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Claims Intake Decisions

Fast, Fair, and Consistent Claims Processing Across Every Channel

Supports efforts to deliver a seamless multi-channel claims experience to policyholders while reducing claims handling costs

62% of Insurance Executives believe changing customer experiences and expectations are a key challenge. Shift’s AI-based approach can help.

Shift Claims Intake Decisions streamlines the claims process from First Notice of Loss (FNOL) to claim resolution using AI to reduce losses and improve total claims outcomes. By analyzing claims in near real-time, our solution accurately summarizes the facts of the claims and recommends next steps, while identifying claims for straight through processing.


Policyholders encounter fewer steps between FNOL and claims resolution—and fewer touches are required from claims adjusters.

Simplified claims intake

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Move away from the rigidity of rule-based automation platforms and towards a personalized claim experience that adapts itself to the customer’s needs.

Structured and unstructured data analysis

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Multi-channels support

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Impact Report: Intelligent Decisioning for P&C Insurance

At its core, Insurance consists of a series of micro-decisions dependent on both time and data. These micro-decisions must be integrated into everyday business processes, especially core operational systems such as policy administration and claims management solutions, to increase efficiency and better decisioning. This impact report aims to uncover AI and data-driven decision making can ultimately improve efficiency and enhance the customer experience.


Customer Success Stories

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Increased Claims Straight Through Processing

“We believe that our work with Shift will help us create an automated claims process that is fast and efficient, while at the same time making it easier for claims professionals to spend time with those clients who may need a little more attention.”
Operations Vice President
Spanish P&C Insurer
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84% of Claims Handled via Digital Channels

“We partnered with Shift Technology because we want to maximise our customers’ satisfaction, by offering them an alternative pathway that is fast, smooth, straightforward and suits the new digital habits of consumers.”
Head of Non-Life and Managing Director
Leading French P&C Insurer

Learn how Shift can improve your claims intake experience