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The Most Promising Use Cases for Generative AI in Insurance.

Generative AI seems to be everywhere you look. It is being promoted as a technology that can deliver transformational change in the insurance industry for years to come.  For insurers seeking to gain and maintain a competitive advantage, adopting AI technologies is not an “If,” but a “When.”  Yet, for all of its promise, many insurers do not know how to get started with Generative AI. 

Generative AI in Insurance: Key Considerations and Use Cases 

What impact will it have on the insurance enterprise? What considerations are critical for insurers interested in leveraging this new technology? Which insurance use cases will drive the greatest impact?

In this webinar moderated by Jim Kremer, Managing Director and EY Americas Claims Leader, Shift thought leaders move beyond the hypothetical and share practical insights on the following:

  • How insurers can start and/or accelerate their journey with Generative AI
  • The insurance-specific use cases that will drive business value for the industry
  • Navigating the potential benefits and risks of Generative AI
  • Early learnings on how to deploy the technology to maximum effect



Marc Jones

Chief Technology Officer, Shift Technology

Thomas Harrington Headshot_214x150-1
Thomas Harrington

Product Marketing Director, Shift Technology

Aditi Saraf 07 - Edited
Aditi Saraf

Senior Product Manager, Shift Technology

Jim_Kremer 214x150
Jim Kremer

Managing Director and Americas Claims Leader, EY
