
Fighting Digital Insurance Fraud across the Policy Lifecycle

Written by Shift Technology | Feb 29, 2024 6:48:48 PM
Fighting digital Insurance Fraud across the Policy Lifecycle

As we start 2024, insurers continue to grapple with an array of emerging digital fraud trends including generative AI fraud, synthetic identities, and more. With resources tight and customer satisfaction at risk, staying tuned in to evolving fraud tactics poses a significant challenge.

Join our industry experts to gain valuable perspectives on the latest trends that underwriting and claims leaders should be vigilant about within their portfolios. Discover how advanced AI is spearheading the battle against these intricate forms of fraud and identify strategic starting points for insurers aiming to stay ahead of the curve.

What you’ll learn:

Unraveling emerging forms of fraud
Delve into the workings of the latest fraud trends and understand why they pose a challenge to conventional fraud and risk checks.

Harnessing advanced AI for fraud detection
Explore the methods and scientific approaches employed by Advanced AI in uncovering and combating these evolving forms of fraud.

Strategic actions for insurers
Gain insights into effectively prioritizing resources, justifying budgets, and formulate a plan for implementation – navigating the critical decision of build vs. buy.